Friday, August 20, 2010

London Calling

Well, I’m finally here. I’m in London!

Getting here was exhausting, to say the least. 10 hours on a plane, in the middle seat, behind a family with twin toddlers made for a very, long day, especially on top of my connecting flight to Houston being delayed. But I’m now sitting in my hotel room just outside of Heathrow Airport, relaxing.

To stave off sleeping and avoid jet lag, we all decided to use our Oyster cards (see: Tube passes) to go into Central London and explore a bit. We started out in a larger group, but by the time we actually got into the city there were just 6 of us. We didn’t particularly want to actually do a lot, so we went on a very long wander around Westminster.

Most of you will be shocked to hear that I was actually the one navigating (and not getting us lost on top of that). But after walking around for 4+ hours, we were pretty wiped out, so we ate at a pub and came back to the hotel.

Can I just say I love London? There is so much history just everywhere and it all blends in with the modern seamlessly.

Tomorrow we have orientation and then a bus tour of the city before we move into our flats.

P.S. I already have blisters (Ouch!)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like my flight to Spain!

    Have a great time :)
