Thursday, November 18, 2010

Soundtrack of the City- Josh Groban Remix

So, anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE Josh Groban. His new album, Illuminations, came out on Monday and I adore it. So, since my brain won't shut down and I still have two more creative pieces to get done for my Writing in the City class, I've done a remix of my Soundtrack of the City poem with lyrics from the new JG album since it's all I'm listening to right now (ok, except for occasional moments when I need a few Glee songs or Christmas music).

There's a pale winter moon in the sky
Coming through my window
Who puts the rainbow in the sky?
Who lights the stars at night?

Woosh woosh (Please Mind the Gap! Doors Closing.)

A lua que esclarece esse sol sem descansar jamais
Amar o quanto precisar que ame

Over mountains and sky blue seas
On great circles will you watch for me?
Lately all your sweet rhymes recreate me,
now comes the time when I'll need your truth to see.

sous un ciel bleu, ciel sans nuage
retournons la-bas

Shuffle, Click, Shuffle, Click

I drew my line across the sand
And set my flag in no mans land
You were the secret I loved keep
the name I would only sing in my sleep

Hoonk Hoonk! (Beep Beep Beep!)
Tu soffri come soffro
Quando รจ l’ora dell’addio

This is the time of our great undoing
This is the time that I'll come running
You see these hands?
They're millions strong

Life goes on, and on, and on

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